Avalon Quartet China Tour

We made it! Crowdfunding campaign on Wemakeit
The string quartet of Zurich Chamber Philharmonics was booked to play six concerts 5th-11th Jan 2025. On top we will visit 1 or 2 schools pro bono. We got 112% of the needed support for the international travel cost.

Cellist Anzhe Zuo was born in China and lives in Zurich. She can regularly be seen on stage in Europe and Asia. She composes, teaches and performs: at Gstaad Tango Festival with Grammy Award winner Pablo Ziegler, at music theaters such as Sogar Theater Zurich, and with Zurich Chamber Philharmonics.
As a cellist she won the 1st Prize at the International Music Competition Vienna in 2022, and a 2nd prize at the VIII Stockholm International Music Competition in 2021.
„It’s an exquisite pleasure to experience Anzhe on stage: You feel how she genuinely fills the musical space with love for the arts. You also experience her passion for vocalizing the intentions of the composer, respectfully and still truly personal.“
Media Coverage
Saanen Anzeiger about Gstaad Tango Festival

The event was more than a concert – it was a journey to Buenos Aires. Whether in “Asfalto,” the sounds of heels on the cobblestones of old town were felt, or the rattling of a vehicle produced by the cello. The busy rhythm as a representa-
Saanen anzeiger, kultur, 1st March 2024
tion of life in a big city. Proof that music can be more than a simple experience; it can convey the idea of a faraway place.
From Lauenen to Buenos Aires
CULTURE – “Oblivion” is the title of a piece by Astor Piazzolla, performed by Pablo Ziegler and his quartet in the church of Lauenen. Oblivion means forgetfulness, and this was the case for the concertgoers on Friday evening, as they immersed themselves in the world of Buenos Aires and forgot the rain and cold outside the church for an hour. BY CAROLINE THORNTON
Astor Piazzolla was an Argentine composer and bandoneon player who created Nuevo Tango, a fusion of classical tango with jazz and classical music. At the time, Piazzolla had asked his Argentine compatriot Pablo Ziegler to play with him, which surprised him since he had only played jazz until then. As he told the “Anzeiger von Saanen,” he wondered, “Why me? I’ve never played tango before.” However, the collaboration was a great success, and in 2018, Ziegler won a Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz Album.
Feuilleton “Kultur Kompakt”, Radio SRF1

“Kammeroper REDENsingen: Cello, Piano, Tenor, Sopran, Sprecher. Mehrstimmigkeit als Lügendetektor, eine Klagerede, die mit dem Glissando des Cello ins Bodenlose geht. Der Regisseurin des sogar Theater gelingt ein Stück, das aufrüttelt.”
Feuilleton kultur kompakt,
Radio SRF1, 22nd Sep 2020
“HandelsZeitung”, leading business weekly

Geboren ist sie in China, heute aber lebt Anzhe (ausgesprochen: «Angie») Zuo (Bild) in der Schweiz. Wie viele andere Musikerinnen und Musiker leidet auch die preisgekrönte Cellistin und Komponistin unter den Auflagen der Pandemie, die konventionelle Auftritte erschweren oder verunmöglichen. Wenn analoges Konzertieren nicht drinliegt – was tut frau dann? Klar: Jungunter- nehmen gründen und digital auftreten. Zuo hat dafür das Startup iConcert ins Leben gerufen, damit Zuschauerinnen und Zuhörer Konzerte über Zoom oder Youtube erleben können. Der Clou: So werden die Auftritte auch interaktiv, was bedeutet, dass sich das Publikum mit den Künstlerinnen und Künstlern über deren Befindlichkeit und Musik unterhalten kann. Studios dafür hat Zuo bereits in Bannwil BE und Hochwald SO, «weitere sind in Zürich und anderen Städten geplant». (ag)